Tuesday, 21 April 2015

00010-बापू की सेवा सेवा जमके करो भईया(Hindi PoemD/4/0207)with English Translation

                                                                   सर्वधर्म समभाव
(Hindi PoemD/4/0207)
बापू की सेवा
सेवा जमके करो भईया
मेहनत करके बापू पढ़ाए ,
 हम सबको वे आगे लाए I
कष्ट  सहे ,पिताजी  सारे ,
हमको  रख्खा बना दुलारे 
आज जहाँ  हम  बैठे हैं ,
आज जहाँ हम पहुंचे हैं I
इतनी सामर्थ उनमें थी  ,
 उसी ताकत  से पहुंचे हैं 
 गिला नी  मन मेँ कभी आए
 अच्छी शिक्षा उनसे पाए I
 भाग्य हमारा साथ मे चलता
बापू  के सपनोँ  को बुन ता 
बने  भाग्यहीन हम तो ना
पने  उनके  तोडे ना I
त्याग, तपस्या  बापू  ने की
 उनका  खून पसीना मंजिल दी 

बूढ़े हो गए  कमजोर हो गए  ,
 पिछली  यादोँ में  वे खो गए I
किसी का कहना हम क्यूँ माने,
दिल से उन की सेवा जाने
 जीवन दिशा  दे दो हमको ,
सेवा भाव  मिले हम सबको 
 दोहा -----

वृद्धा आश्रम की हमको,
जिसने  दी सौगात,
 डुबा के डंडा तेल मे
मारो उसको  लात,
 मेकाले के भक्तो ने,
बिछा दी नई बिसात,
 नहीँ मानेंगे , नहीँ मानेंगे  ,
चाहें कैसे हो हालात ,
अब्बू, बापू, पिताजी, डैडी, पापा,
 कुछ भी बोलो दिन रात
जमके करेंगे सेवा उन की,
 यही देश की प्यारी बात II
(अर्चना व राज)

The role by Father in our life is of utmost importance,he leaves no stone unturned  in giving the best of the facilities to his children ,whether education ,feeding or other things to. This is true ,he suffers for us.
Whatever position we occupy in our society speaks of his contribution.His hard work reminds us all the time,
Sometimes,some people ciriticise  him for the failure,but they forget that their work and fate as believed also go with them.Besides,the circumstances also play a great role ,as Thomas Gray in his poem sings ,when he sees the mud/clay- sephulture that these people could  also become great ,but because of the adverse circumstances ,they could not reach there where wanted in life.This type of thinking may not be a reason/cause to break his dreams.
The sacrifice,penance and hard work speak,but of him and rather when w up-bring a child ,we may understand how difficult is it ?.No need for us to be ill-fated and break his dreams built on the structure of the sweat he shed throughout.
 In the name of freedom ,he is neglected.When he is old ,he draws our attention and it becomes our duty to take care of him.He sees us and is lost in previous memory.The Only essence is this ,we donot listen to others,he is our father and we know only how to serve him.
We may call him by any name like Abbu,Papa,Dady,Bapu,Pitaji ,but we should also repay our debt ,at the time of his dotage or old age.The concept of Old Men's Home is align to our culture  and in India ,a few people simply copy others like Macaulay ;sick of racial discrimination and follow him blindly,such ideologies need to discarded and kicked away ,Why to listen them .They simply cry to let attention go towards them and become important that way .Instead ,we must encourage the service to him in our home itself. (Raj)

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